The big argument for double opt in is that it gets you a more-responsive email list.
The argument makes sense (in theory);
If people have taken the extra step to confirm their subscription - they will be more likely to take action and read your emails.
While this may be true, just think about the numbers here for a sec;
Not everyone will confirm their email address.
According to Litmus, upto 40% of people just bahamas number data won't bother to click confirm in that first email.
That is a huge drop-off rate.
Unconfirmed EmailsSo while the people who do take that extra confirmation step might, arguably, be more-engaged, you're sacrificing 40% of your opt ins in order to get to this position.
Imagine putting all that hard work into creating the best lead magnets and using the best landing pages, only to find 40% of your subscribers are just tossed in the garbage because they don't click that confirmation email.
Is it really worth it?
No matter what you do - non-openers and no-clickers will still be present on your list, regardless.
I personally think it's a much smarter approach to get as many people on your list as possible first.
Then, after you have them on the list, start qualifying them based on the actions they take.
Put simply - double opt in is not an efficient way to get people to self-select and state they are interested...
Your List Will Be Much Smaller (and Not Necessarily More Responsive)
- Posts: 111
- Joined: Tue Jan 07, 2025 4:50 am