Forums seem like they're from another era. Do they still exist? Are they relevant? If you spend a little time in this unknown world you'll find a goldmine of knowledge.
Carlos Bravo16
Everyone is talking about blogs again now. After it seemed like they were dead, the topic is now back in fashion because we have realized that sometimes 140 characters are not enough.
Finding knowledge in forumsPhoto rights by Fotolia
Nobody talks about forums. They seem to be out of fashion. Are there still people out there? If you are not a member of a forum you probably think that forums are dead. In fact, the opposite is true.
Why blogs are not cool but forums are
Let's be honest. A blog is not very practical for sharing knowledge. I spend at least 1 hour every day to publish the daily post. If you don't like to write and share your passion on your blog, it is difficult to maintain job phone numbers a high publication rate that will allow you to have a blog that will be read one day.
If you participate in a forum, you get immediate feedback by sharing knowledge. Apart from your mother, your partner and 2 or 3 friends, there is no one on your blog at the beginning. It can take months until you receive the first comment. Is this frustrating, or not? Forums have never been as alive as they are now. The reason is very simple: they are a goldmine of knowledge.
Complete your blog with what you learn in forums
You have to take advantage of both worlds. With a blog it is more difficult to receive feedback but it is worth having patience and continuing to work. A forum is a perfect place to get inspiration. If you want to take advantage of it you have to take into account some points before starting.
A forum is not Twitter or Facebook : Forums are a different terrain than social media. You need to know the netiquette of each forum before you can actively participate in the community.
Little nuggets of knowledge : How many blogs actually provide content that is unique and not recycled from other sources? On forums you find nuggets of knowledge from people sharing their experiences that you often don't find on blogs.
Give back and give back : As with everything in life, it's about giving and taking. Participate in threads where you can contribute your knowledge and help another member solve a problem of theirs.