A Civil Company is an entity formed by several individuals who join together to develop a business project ( company ) in common. This type of entity does not have its own legal personality. The partners themselves are responsible for the business risk, so it is worth considering carefully whether it is appropriate to choose this form to carry out the activity.
One of the major problems faced by civil partnerships arises when there is disagreement between the partners or when one of them wants to unilaterally leave the entity . The dissolution of civil partnerships is governed by articles 1665 to 1708 of the Civil Code . The partnership is extinguished:
1. When the phone number in united kingdom term for which it was established expires.
2. When the thing is lost, or the business that serves as its object is terminated
. 3. By death, insolvency, incapacity or declaration of prodigality of any of the partners and in the case provided for in article 1,699 (seizure of creditors).
4. By the will of any of the partners , subject to the provisions of articles 1,705 and 1,707. Article 1705 tells us that:
The dissolution of the company by the will or resignation of one of the partners only takes place when no term has been set for its duration, or this does not arise from the nature of the business. For the resignation to take effect, it must be made in good faith in a timely manner; it must also be brought to the attention of the other partners.
Based on the content of article 1705, it is reasonable to think that by notifying the partners that one is leaving, one is already free of liability, but it is not that easy. If the company is made up of only two partners, the departure of one of them implies dissolution, since there are no civil companies with only one member.