What topics should be generated content on?
Buyers know what they want. What they are looking for when they visit websites is to do research that allows them to obtain information about the product or service they are looking for in order to make a comparison and choose the provider that interests them the most. One recommendation is to analyze the activity of our website using Google Analytics , in order to see what our visitors visit the most and based on that, create related content that expands on that information. We also recommend that you always put yourself in your client's shoes: what would I need to know before buying a product like this? If you can't do this exercise of abstraction, try to remember what your clients usually ask you the most before closing a sale. If you don't know for sure, ask them directly!
Understand the meaning of all this: 90% of visitors to a website are looking for information they need. Most visitors (depending on the buy canada whatsapp number database nature of the product) do not buy immediately. These leads do some research beforehand to decide whether to buy and who they will buy from. In this sense, it is important to know that being one of the first to answer the questions that these visitors ask allows you to gain a lot of ground against your competitors. In most cases, it has been shown that the purchase decision comes down to the convenience and speed of receiving the information we want when we want it. To do this, we have two possible methods: either we have many people answering the same customer questions, or we have content that answers our customers' questions. You decide what is cheapest.
These are some of the things to consider on your website that will allow you to properly implement your content marketing strategy to improve sales.