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Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:56 am
by Mimakte
This indicator determines the time interval required to recoup investments in a specific production asset, be it a machine, tool or technological installation. Accordingly, the return on investment in equipment is measured by the additional income generated by the enterprise as a result of its operation.

Increase Your Profits by 10X: 5 Key Metrics You Must Track
Alexander KuleshovEquipment
Alexander Kuleshov
General Director of Sales Generator LLC
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Data required to calculate the project's payback
To determine payback, three key factors must be considered: initial investment, average monthly net cash flow, and discount rate.

Initial investment . This is the total amount of capital planned for investment in the project. For an entrepreneur, this includes all expenses for starting a business, such as rent, purchasing raw materials and equipment, and the initial wage fund. For an investor, this represents the total amount of financial investment in the project.

Average annual or average monthly net cash flow . In fact, this is the average profit - the delta between the projected income and expenses. In further calculations, we will operate with monthly indicators, using the average monthly profit. To calculate it, you need to divide the annual projected profit by 12.

The discount rate is an economic indicator that reflects the rate of inflation and potential risks of an investment project.

Data required to calculate the project's payback


When calculating the payback of an investment project, the discount rate is expressed as an annual percentage and is based on three key elements:

the key rate of the Central Bank;

investment risk coefficient. This indicator of project payback varies from 1 to 10% per annum depending on the specifics of the industry and product. Minimum risk is associated with established sectors of the economy, such as retail. Maximum risk is typical for innovative products with uncertain market demand. As an example, we will use the average value of 5%;

percentage of lost profit. To determine this component, the investor compares the expected return on the project under consideration with alternative investment opportunities. Examples include a bank deposit with 6% per annum or government bonds with a yield of 8-10% per annum.

The sum of these three components forms the final discount rate. For example, 21% + 5% + 6% = 32%. This means that funds invested in September 2024 will depreciate by 32% in a year, taking into account inflation and investment risks.

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A simple method for calculating the payback period
The basic method of assessing the return on investment, the simple payback period, provides economists with a quick way to analyze the feasibility of investing in a project. This indicator reflects the time interval during which the total net profit will reach the level of the initial investment, allowing them to make an informed decision about financing a business initiative.

To determine the payback period, the following formula is used:

PP = IC / CF,

where the components of the formula denote:

PP — simple payback period of investment;

IC — the volume of investment in the project;

CF is the projected annual income.

Before using the project payback formula to calculate the payback period, you must ensure that the following criteria are met:

capital investments are made at one time - in the initial phase of the investment project implementation;

the project's profitability is characterized by uniformity, with profits arriving in approximately equal shares throughout the financial year;

When comparing different investment projects, only those with an identical life cycle should be considered.

The simple payback period method is applicable primarily to the evaluation of short-term investment projects lasting no more than 2-3 years. When analyzing longer-term initiatives, this approach may lead to significant errors in financial calculations and forecasts.

Increase Profits by 200%: Download 5 Powerful Tools for Free
Alexander Kuleshov
Alexander Kuleshov
General Director of Sales Generator LLC
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