A large digital marketing conference called
Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 3:22 am
In this case, it was concluded that when it comes to implementing upstream communication design, measures, and creative initiatives, it is important to first visualize the data, create a foundation for measurement, and then implement the PDCA cycle .
Next, Nakagawa from Creators Match Inc. will talk about how to decide on creative content after considering a communication plan.
Creators Match solicits creative ideas from external creators who have passed a rigorous partnership test with a passing rate of about 10%. From the creator's perspective, the process of collecting banner ideas from high-level creators, broadly dispersing variations, classifying patterns based on response rates, and gradually narrowing them down was discussed.
When developing creative content , it is said that it is easier to verify the results later if you first offer a wide range of variations and then gradually narrow them down, rather than developing creative content with a fixed idea from the beginning .
Finally, in the final session, Mr. Miyamoto from CyberAgent, Inc. spoke about philippines whatsapp number free how to improve creativity in communication design as communication becomes more visible with the spread of attribution.
Ultimately, what impressed me was that they are considering automating creative patterns by abstracting communication patterns based on the vast amount of accumulated data .
I participated in a session titled "The Present and Future of Creative," and as an operator, I felt that the importance of creativity itself has not changed from the past to the present, but as media diversification leads to an increase in advertising formats, and the spread of attribution has made it easier to visualize user exposure to advertising, so the importance of creativity will increase even more in the future .

Program 04. Data Feed - Improving sales using databases that business owners and agents can start with
This session began with the basics of data feeds and went on to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of introducing, maintaining and using them, as well as efficient operation methods and examples.
From the left: Mr. Kawada (panelist) of Feedforce Inc., Mr. Todo (panelist) of AZ Inc., Mr. Nakajima (panelist) of CRITEO Inc., and Mr. Okada (moderator) of Atalla LLC.
First, moderator Okada gave a definition of what a data feed is, explained how it works, and explained why data feeds are now gaining momentum.
Next, Nakagawa from Creators Match Inc. will talk about how to decide on creative content after considering a communication plan.
Creators Match solicits creative ideas from external creators who have passed a rigorous partnership test with a passing rate of about 10%. From the creator's perspective, the process of collecting banner ideas from high-level creators, broadly dispersing variations, classifying patterns based on response rates, and gradually narrowing them down was discussed.
When developing creative content , it is said that it is easier to verify the results later if you first offer a wide range of variations and then gradually narrow them down, rather than developing creative content with a fixed idea from the beginning .
Finally, in the final session, Mr. Miyamoto from CyberAgent, Inc. spoke about philippines whatsapp number free how to improve creativity in communication design as communication becomes more visible with the spread of attribution.
Ultimately, what impressed me was that they are considering automating creative patterns by abstracting communication patterns based on the vast amount of accumulated data .
I participated in a session titled "The Present and Future of Creative," and as an operator, I felt that the importance of creativity itself has not changed from the past to the present, but as media diversification leads to an increase in advertising formats, and the spread of attribution has made it easier to visualize user exposure to advertising, so the importance of creativity will increase even more in the future .

Program 04. Data Feed - Improving sales using databases that business owners and agents can start with
This session began with the basics of data feeds and went on to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of introducing, maintaining and using them, as well as efficient operation methods and examples.
From the left: Mr. Kawada (panelist) of Feedforce Inc., Mr. Todo (panelist) of AZ Inc., Mr. Nakajima (panelist) of CRITEO Inc., and Mr. Okada (moderator) of Atalla LLC.
First, moderator Okada gave a definition of what a data feed is, explained how it works, and explained why data feeds are now gaining momentum.