In the case of the Chinese restaurant, we see that proximity is the philippine area code most important factor: “Chinese restaurant nearby” and “Chinese restaurant near me” both have a search volume of 3,600.
What would be the appropriate strategy at this point?
Focus above all on working on Google My Business.
Also worth paying attention to is the eighth result in terms of search volume, “Chinese restaurant menu,” with a volume of 1,900.
It is interesting that you include the letter in your file and make it accessible on your website.
Marketing plan for a fast food company - Letter on Google My Business
When searching for burger joints, we find a bit of everything, although searches for recipes and types such as “homemade burgers” with 9,900 searches or “how to make burgers” with 5,400 are the most popular.
Based on this data, it would be interesting to work on a good content marketing strategy that would allow us to appear for these concepts and create good posts focused on obtaining reservations.
Marketing plan for a fast food company - Content marketing strategy
With pizzerias we can see how, in general, the largest volume of searches is monopolized by large chains such as “dominos pizza” (4,500), “Pizza hut” (49,500) or “pizza movil” (33,100) and other keywords directly related to offers and data on these franchises.
Here, my recommendation is to opt for a digital marketing strategy that is less focused on SEO and more focused on other aspects such as promotions and offers on social networks.
Marketing plan for a fast food company - Social media offers
Finally, in the case of the Mexican restaurant we can see that location takes precedence.
Our advice is to go for the local concept, as long as your fast food restaurant is located in one of the areas of interest.
We can see that those with the highest search volume are those in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Bilbao and Palma.
Marketing plan for a fast food company - Areas of interest
Some conclusions
Once we have all the data on the table, we can conclude that when creating a marketing plan for a fast food company, the most important thing is to carry out an exhaustive analysis.
These will allow us to determine the main points to work on in each case.
It is clear that differentiation is essential if we want to achieve our objectives and that we need to work on all points, but after analyzing the environment in which we find ourselves and our type of business, we will see how we need to focus on some more than others.
That is to say, if we work in a small area, our greatest asset for attracting the largest number of clients is probably to offer something extra.
It may well be a differentiating product - like the case I mentioned in my city regarding the vegan offering - or a service, such as delivering food to your home.
While in a place with a greater gastronomic offer we will also have to work on these aspects, what is most important is to be aware of the latest trends and apply them before the competition.
On the other hand, it is also important to analyze our response capacity and how the market works.
A great offer may seem like a good idea, but if we do not have the capacity to accommodate many people, we can create a negative effect on customers.
If I am left without a table once, I may become more eager; if I am left without a table twice in a row, I will never go back.
Analyzing the competition is also essential. Do I want to attract the customers who flock to this bar on Fridays by offering a better offer or can I attract them to my establishment by offering a similar one on Thursday?
Of course, presence is also an essential factor.
Optimize your Google My Business listing and take care of your social media profiles, use sponsored posts but do some prior work to make the most of your investment.
Finally, it is essential to keep in mind that there is no point in having a great offer if no one knows about it.
Work with all types of channels, create a good website in which you explain what makes you different, promote social networks and invest in content marketing if you detect a niche.