The typical thing... making the "Accept all cookies" button brightly colored so that it attracts people and completely graying out the "Accept only necessary cookies" button or just providing it as a text link so that it is not clicked. I think THAT should be investigated. As if anyone who doesn't deal with it understands that the big green button is the wrong one. I also find it problematic that, if we're honest, virtually no tools outside the EU can be used in a truly GDPR-compliant manner. At the same time, there are no European alternatives for many things.
A difficult and far too complicated topic. Especially considering malaysia business email list that not every website is commercial and not every hobby webmaster can accumulate so much knowledge or afford a lawyer. Or to put it another way: politically, once again, a bad solution for the "real" people out there. No matter in what respect. Sign in to reply peer older than a week Overall, I have to say that not using many cookies is pleasant and makes the websites slimmer. But like you, I think it's a shame that you simply can't use some things, even though they would add a lot of value to visitors to your website. Let's see whether Google's initiative to do without cookies in the future will really lead to them becoming extinct.
Or whether other tracking methods and the collection of personal data will be just as problematic.False reports and fake news – advantages and disadvantages for websites March 11, 2021 Peer Wandiger 8 Comments False reports and fake news - advantages and disadvantages for websitesIn this article I present a traffic method called false reports and fake news that is used again and again and can bring in large numbers of visitors. However, it is a method that also has its disadvantages and that is why I do not use it.