Starting point: objectives
Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 3:59 am
Tussenuur most resembles a startup within a dominant incubator. Just like in a startup, there is still plenty of experimentation going on in all areas. In the conversation with the Tussenuur editorial team, every question I asked was followed by a lively exchange of views between the editorial team members, whether it was about who exactly the target group is, what the objectives are or which topics are most suitable for the target group. While talking, consensus always followed after some time. This open and unbiased attitude seems to fit in well with the adage of data specialists and A/B testers (in the words of's Clark Benson ):
Bottom line, you can't assume anything. Test literally everything.
What are the preliminary results of this testing? What were the assumptions and starting points that were made? And, what are the lessons learned?
The main objective for Tussenuur is for young guatemala phone country code people to have a say and share their stories. At the same time, Tussenuur wants to broaden their horizons by offering videos and articles that make young people think. The inspiration for this content is ideally formed by peers.
Starting point: targets
The NPO does not provide Tussenuur with any specific targets. Where NPO-plus sites do need a minimum amount of traffic to justify their expenses, Tussenuur is still exempt from targets because it concerns a new target group. However, the team members themselves find it important to have the largest possible reach, so that they can achieve their objectives as broadly as possible.
Since the start, there has been significantly more traffic generated to the Tussenuur content. More and more young people are also returning. The reason for this is probably that Tussenuur is becoming more and more well-known and popular among young people.
Market research
Initially, an intern conducted research into the target group in focus groups and at schools. Discussions also took place with external professionals. Now, more and more external partners are contributing their expertise. They offer aftercare when necessary and provide advice on the target group at a detailed level. At least as important for the Tussenuur team is to regularly walk around among young people and talk to them in order to experience for themselves what they are concerned with and what level of knowledge they have. Reactions from young people, especially on Facebook, and the stories that young people send in themselves also provide an image of the target group.
Bottom line, you can't assume anything. Test literally everything.
What are the preliminary results of this testing? What were the assumptions and starting points that were made? And, what are the lessons learned?
The main objective for Tussenuur is for young guatemala phone country code people to have a say and share their stories. At the same time, Tussenuur wants to broaden their horizons by offering videos and articles that make young people think. The inspiration for this content is ideally formed by peers.
Starting point: targets
The NPO does not provide Tussenuur with any specific targets. Where NPO-plus sites do need a minimum amount of traffic to justify their expenses, Tussenuur is still exempt from targets because it concerns a new target group. However, the team members themselves find it important to have the largest possible reach, so that they can achieve their objectives as broadly as possible.
Since the start, there has been significantly more traffic generated to the Tussenuur content. More and more young people are also returning. The reason for this is probably that Tussenuur is becoming more and more well-known and popular among young people.
Market research
Initially, an intern conducted research into the target group in focus groups and at schools. Discussions also took place with external professionals. Now, more and more external partners are contributing their expertise. They offer aftercare when necessary and provide advice on the target group at a detailed level. At least as important for the Tussenuur team is to regularly walk around among young people and talk to them in order to experience for themselves what they are concerned with and what level of knowledge they have. Reactions from young people, especially on Facebook, and the stories that young people send in themselves also provide an image of the target group.