What do we learn from this?

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What do we learn from this?

Post by arzina998 »

Encourage thought leaders and subject matter experts within the organization to create content
To review content created elsewhere in the organization
Select and curate external content
Distribute content in a targeted manner; this prevents employees with job type A from sharing content related to job type B
The marcom employee ensures that employees become part of the content strategy and are involved in both the creation and distribution of content. In order to properly manage this distribution of content, more and more organizations are investing in content curation tools. The marcom employee is the director of the content and appoints subject matter experts as content curators. Together they ensure shareable content that fits different job groups within the organization.

However, a tool alone is not enough. Adding authenticity to the messages that are shared or prepared makes employee advocacy relevant. Training and guidance are also important conditions for success.

Employees are worth a big chapter in your marketing plan. If you want to unlock the full potential of employee advocacy, make sure your marcom team has coaching, curation, and distribution healthcare email list skills. In part 2 of this article, I’ll explain what the new role of the marketing communications officer specifically entails.

A flower, a bottle of wine, chocolate or 'just' a card. Everyone likes to be surprised. And if you are the sender of the surprise, you are very happy if you can send a present or card at the last minute and that it arrives the same day. Very nice if you also receive a message that your package or card has arrived at the addressee.

Greetz plays on this cleverly. Niek Veendrick is CEO of Greetz.nl and tells us about it. What is his view on online marketing? For example, on e-mail marketing. Is this medium dead or alive and kicking? According to Veendrick, it is alive and kicking! But bulk e-mail marketing on the other hand... According to Veendrick, we are all facing a major challenge: "We have to become relevant. We have a lot of data, you can offer a lot of richness in that."

Also in the podcast
What else does Greetz do in the field of online marketing? How do you use your product itself as marketing? Greetz made 5 million people happy last year. And if your product itself is your marketing, then it has to be really, really good. How do you do that? And which people should be involved in this process? You can hear it all in the podcast.
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