Index means that "the probability that

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Index means that "the probability that

Post by gafimiv406 »

a user belongs to the relevant audience is x times higher when comparing the relevant audience with the general audience." In other words, users in an audience with a high index value are more interested in ads than other users and are more likely to achieve results .

In addition, in the "Asset Analysis" section of the analytics information for P-MAX campaigns, you can check the audiences that have high indexes for some of your assets. This is useful for finding out which audiences are interested in which assets.

Image source: Attract new customers with new brazil number data features in P-MAX | Google Ads Help
4. Performance by asset group and asset
With P-MAX campaigns, you can also view performance by asset group and by asset .

Among the indicators that can be checked on an asset group basis, the most representative ones are as follows.

Conversion Value
Ad effectiveness
Performance for each asset group can be viewed by clicking "Table" in the top right of the asset group screen.

Select a Campaign > Asset Group > Table
The indicators that can be checked on an asset-by-asset basis are as follows. All of these are important information when checking which assets are producing results and which are not, and brushing up on your creative work.
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