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I give you an idea: a ranking for blogs in the scientific style

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:47 am
by Abdur12
The creation of all kinds of blog rankings is more fashionable than ever. In order for them to continue to make sense, a more scientific measurement methodology is needed.

Carlos Bravo9
Many people can't stand it anymore, and others never tire of reading the next new ranking of top blogs that appears in a post. The vast majority of bloggers have understood that adding a "top" to a title has something magical for many readers.

Blog Ranking MethodologyPhoto rights by Fotolia

With the huge amount of rankings that appear almost daily, the relevance is diminishing with each new post that comes out. I may even be part of the problem since I have recommended this technique more than once on this blog. Therefore, I want to be part of the problem too.

There are some that do things better than others. The ones that have been doing this for the longest time are the people at Tatum with a monthly ranking in PRNoticias . It is limited only to marketing blogs and japan whatsapp number list they apply a methodology to establish the order in the list that is updated every 30 days. Even so, I am not completely convinced. I am not going to go into details because the bad thing about these initiatives is that they will never satisfy everyone (and even less so if you are involved like me).

A proposal for a “scientific” style blog ranking
The idea came to me while running at about 2,000 meters above sea level during my vacation in Switzerland. It is sometimes strange what a lack of oxygen can do… I remembered my PhD days (in Switzerland) where a major part of my work was continuous reading and publishing in scientific journals. All of them are ranked and given a quality seal by the letters AD. A represents the highest relevance and D the lowest if I still remember well. The goal of most of my colleagues at that time was to publish in type B journals because getting published in type A journals was as much work as a whole PhD thesis. Type C and D journals were also published but only if the effort was minimal and it was possible to do so with some recycling of existing content. With 14 publications I had published the most during my stay because I had found an effective way to get published in all kinds of journals. It was something I was good at.