You've just made an unpleasant discovery. One of your guest authors has snuck you some copied content. Now what?
Carlos Bravo12
Don't listen to Matt. Guest posts still work . Few bloggers and SEOs have really changed their strategy when it comes to getting quality links through guest posts on third-party blogs. Typically there is a give and take in this game. I have also had 2 or 3 guest authors on this blog who have contributed high-quality content (thanks Javier , Berto and Sonia ).
Copied contentPhoto rights by Fotolia
Since then, I have not accepted guest authors on this blog. The scrutiny that comes with publishing posts by authors you don't know 100% is not worth it to me (it hasn't been the case for the authors mentioned). There is a significant risk in giving visibility to other bloggers on your blog.
You can't control 100% of the time that a plagiarized post gets into your blog
Unfortunately, copying content is a very common practice in the blogging world . Many people do it without even realizing that it is an illegal practice. Fortunately, in Spain, these cases do not end up japanese email address list directly in front of a judge. Typically, the process is resolved with an angry email from the blogger who has been plagiarized to the one who has copied. An exchange of emails, apologies and that's it. In countries like Germany, you don't get this opportunity if you have copied. You can easily get a fine of 1,000-2,000 euros and the stress that comes with all the communication with lawyers. “Spain is different” … for better and for worse…
It is therefore not surprising that when you invite a lot of guest bloggers, one of them might slip in copied content. There are very simple ways to identify simple plagiarism. One of them is to copy 2 or 3 sentences from the text and do a search to see what comes up. Another option that is a little more sophisticated is to use tools like Copyscape . Even so, you can't be 100% sure that it is not a copy. Copyright goes beyond simply protecting texts word for word.
The idea is also a protected asset. This means that even if it is not an exact copy, it can be a case of theft of a third party's intellectual property. Even if you are not the author of the post, you assume responsibility since the blog is the property of the blogger. This means that if someone repeats the idea of a third party in their own words, it is not their own work. This also includes translations of texts. Both cases are practically impossible to identify and therefore are cases of plagiarism that cannot be controlled. You have to assume that if you accept many guest bloggers, you will almost certainly encounter this problem.