What if we change our blogs for 1 week?

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What if we change our blogs for 1 week?

Post by Abdur12 »

Have you heard of blog exchanges yet? Probably not, as far as I know they don't exist. I suggest you take the first step and explain why it's a good idea.

Carlos Bravo27
Let's step away from the blogging world for a moment. I know, it's hard, but you can do it. Imagine 2 CEOs (the cool way of calling a company manager these days) who have been in business for years.

Blog exchangePhoto rights by Fotolia

They know what they are doing because they have made many mistakes and have been able to correct them. Imagine if they suddenly change positions and each one acts as CEO in the other's company.

That's exactly what Wil Reynolds and Rand Fishkin did . If you're japanese phone number example coming from the SEO world, you'll probably be more familiar with the latter, as he's the founder of one of the most popular sites on the subject on the planet: Moz.com . They set some rules for this . The goal was to live almost 100% of the other's life. This included, for example, the email account, blogs, and business meetings with clients. I haven't seen them mention this, but I hope the change didn't affect women... In this interview, they share some of the best moments of that week.

Do you dare to put your blog in the hands of another blogger?
Let's get back to the blogging world. When Alex told me this story (yes, we've been spending a lot of time together lately) you can imagine the first thing that crossed my mind. What if we do this with a blog? Let's see, it's not something as spectacular as changing companies, but it would be a nice experiment.
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