The worst post is the one you don't write

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The worst post is the one you don't write

Post by Abdur12 »

The best in each discipline have started out as the worst. To be a good blogger you have to risk producing a result that is not optimal.

Carlos Bravo15
When you start addressing the world with your written words you will always be afraid of not being good enough, of not being liked, of not giving your best and/or of making a fool of yourself. What you don't know yet is that even if all your nightmares come true it doesn't matter.

Blogging PhilosophyPhoto rights by Fotolia

The worst possible outcome is not producing any. It doesn't matter what other people think or say. You're not making a fool of yourself by taking the plunge and taking the risk. You're the one who knows that to produce a good result you have to get going and get your ass off. The best in every discipline have started out as the worst. A chef cooks, a runner runs and a blogger writes. The worst post will always be the one you don't write.

TAGS philosophy blogger motto blogging improve japanese phone numbers blogging blogging reflection be a better blogger
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AUTHOR Carlos BravoCarlos Bravo
I like doing things. I launch projects, create companies, write books and run marathons. If you want to know the things I haven't mentioned yet, you should keep reading.
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COMMENTSWordpress (15) Facebook (0) Disqus ( )
comment-avatar 11 years
My blog is one year old and I can assure you that the best advice I have ever received was read here. To overcome stage fright, do you know how much it helps to know that no one else but your mother and 4 friends will read you? And as you write and learn, the 4 become 8 and then 12… Until there comes a time when it is no longer so important who reads you in relation to what you want to say.
This post is short, but no less interesting. There are people who have done 500 marathons in 500 days. You must be close to post 500 in the same number of days… if not, you have already surpassed it.
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