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Also read: Getting started with account based sales in B2B: 7 factors for success

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 8:35 am
by arzina998
3. Warm up leads to achieve success faster
The more often people see you, the faster they are open to doing business. In addition, the goodwill factor is also important. If you know someone better, you feel connected faster and you grant them business faster. For example, research shows that 80% of all sales take place between the fifth and twelfth contact . In other words – through many contact moments (online/offline) people feel attracted faster and the more you meet each other online and offline – the faster people make a purchase.networking event

People don't hire the best, but the one they know (and trust). My golden tip for this is: always leave everyone better than how you found them. This makes people much warmer as a contact and this increases your chances.

Contact via newsletters or cold calls alone is not good enough . Connect with people not either or, but both and. And via LinkedIn, and via Twitter/Facebook or other social media. And via newsletters, and by meeting each other offline, via networking drinks. Think in advance about what you are going to do as a company with that one card in hand. It's nice that you met each other offline, but what now? Where do you add them? How are you going to keep in touch (other than by phone)? It is smart to map out the customer journey well.

80% of all sales happen between the fifth and database email alberghi twelfth contact.

4. Ensure progress and action
No marketing means no visibility. No visibility almost says: we are not real, we have nothing to say, we are not the real professionals and we are unambitious. Not exactly the way to approach a sales conversation as an entrepreneur, right? Save yourself the time to make excuses and get started.

For example, you can make progress and take action by becoming visible on LinkedIn. 10 years ago, there were approximately 20,000 LinkedIn users in the Netherlands, in 2016 there were already more than 4 million. This means that everyone who can do something professionally is on LinkedIn. This also has an impact on how we find each other, for the labor market but certainly also for commerce. If, for example, you offer an online presentation here that shows the added value for your customers, you are already 1-0 ahead.

Using marketing will improve your sales approach
As an entrepreneur, you can look at these action points differently, but I think that your customers will eventually change your mind. Because they do value these channels. You will notice that the use of marketing will improve your sales approach. I am curious, which action point are you going to work on now.