The figure of the self-employed collaborator raises many doubts, as it is halfway between self-employment and the employment relationship of an employee. On the one hand, it has the advantage that the self-employed person thus classified has no tax obligations, so he or she can forget about quarterly payments, the obligation to invoice and the procedures inherent to a self-employed activity. But being a collaborating family member is not a valid option for everyone.
First of all, the very name of this figure implies that we are dealing with an owner who runs a business and turns to a family member for help in the same , something very common when one has a commercial establishment, for example. But if the owner carries out, for example, a professional job, it is more difficult to classify the self-employed collaborator. How could collaboration with a lawyer or with a person who gives classes without their own establishment be understood? In these cases, it may be more convenient to establish oneself as a civil or limited company.
The relationship phone number in thai between the self-employed and the collaborating family member
The figure of the self-employed collaborator is established due to the impossibility of establishing an employment relationship between the self-employed and their direct relatives. Spanish labour legislation does not allow for an employment contract between a self-employed person and their relatives up to the second degree who live with them. To regulate situations in which these relatives provide services for the family business, the self-employed collaborator is used.
In this case, these relatives pay Social Security contributions under the Self-Employed Regime , although they are not in any case owners of the business itself. This contribution is mandatory in cases where these services are regular and continuous over time and not if they are sporadic.