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Since this is a phase of

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 6:09 am
by fomayof928@mowline
For example, if the most visited page is the “Team” page and the site's objective is Lead Generation, a contact form will be introduced on the team page and the effectiveness of the form will be measured in the following months. If the form works, the goal has been achieved and we will proceed with the optimization of the other pages. If no results are obtained, we will proceed with other solutions and data analysis.

Since this is a phase of the ongoing project, it is necessary to adopt a method based on the cyclicality of events. The method consists of the following phases: Plan Implement Learn Share. The first step is france phone number list . Here it is necessary to identify the optimizations with the greatest impact and then plan the implementation on the website always based on the analyzed data. The second step is implement .

This is the stage of implementing on the website the best ones selected in the planning stage. The third step is learn . Again we go back to the data, study it and learn which actions generated a result. Finally, the last step is to share . Everything that has been done so far should be shared with the company departments to help them understand what actions to take.