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Bad things will be associated with this brand .

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 9:06 am
by sabarina38
We create brand assets through the three methods mentioned above, and then through marketing activities, consumers will feel and judge our brand, forming our brand awareness and brand image. If we want to know how our brand is performing and how consumers view our brand, we need to evaluate it after creating brand assets. There are two items to be assessed : Sources of brand equity. The results of brand assets.

Sources of assets Brand equity comes from the customer's mind. There are two key points in this sentence: customer and mind. Since we want to understand how consumers view brands and evaluate their number data perception and image of brands, we need to fully understand how consumers purchase and use products or services. The most important thing is to understand consumers ’ perception, judgment and feelings about the brand. Note: In-depth understanding of consumer behavior: Since observed consumer behavior is not the same as the behavior reported by consumers in questionnaires.

A more effective way to understand the market is often to rely on " consumer observation " without disturbing others , rather than talking to consumers . For example, a company was skeptical of a survey in which consumers claimed that they spent an average of one hour per week vacuuming their homes . To test the results, the company installed timers on some vacuum cleaners and swapped them with identical devices in the users' homes. The timers showed that these consumers actually spent only 30 minutes per week vacuuming their homes.