As regards the retention periods, we must distinguish between the terms for the payment to the custodian of contracts and documents of this type , and the minimum period during which they must be kept in digital storage.
Once the contracts or policies have been signed, they can be jordan whatsapp resource sent to digital storage immediately; indeed, it is advisable to make the payment quickly in order to start and conclude the storage process as soon as possible. We remind you, in fact, that the digital storage process also involves associating the storage packages, and therefore the electronic documents that compose them, with a time stamp and therefore a reference that can be used against third parties.
for civil purposes the contracts must be kept in conservation for at least 10 years, to be counted from the moment in which the legal effects of the contract itself cease and not, mind you, from the moment of signing.
Finally, it is recommended to always take into account the type of personal data present in the contracts, and the possible presence of special or judicial data (articles 9 and 10 of EU regulation 679/2010, better known as GDPR). Since the responsibility for the processing of personal data always lies with the data controller, i.e. for example the company or insurance company , it is good practice to carry out an adequate risk assessment to establish the processing and security policies to be adopted. Furthermore, an assessment can also be useful to better reconcile the retention times with any provisions concerning the retention of certain categories of data.