It is important to take consultation metrics into account when developing the editorial line and the themes covered by the media. Sharing, more than the number of views, is scrutinized. Facebook will highlight and monetize more a video that will be shared a lot. The editorial offices have precise monitoring tables with possibilities to monitor retention rates for example. The presence of the dashboard which indicates in real time the successes or failures of the subjects produced can be perceived as a constraint.
Any journalist worthy of the name suffers from having to comply with austria telegram audience scores. In television, we talk about audience ratings, market share. These audiometric tools are being brought up to date. Current audience measurement tools erase the socio-demographic dimension that exists in television audience measurement. The Internet user is reduced to what he clicks on, what he watches and shares, but we don't know who he is.
You write: “ There is a form of sectorization of debates that seems to be emerging: the television sets of certain news channels are transformed into arenas, at the risk of no longer producing information and reporting, while certain digital media, aimed at young people, overvalue anonymous and militant words. ” For you, the right formula remains to be found? Usage surveys show that media consumption is based on different sources.
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