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Use Quizzes to Generate Leads

Post by Shishirgano9 »

Sub Saharan Africa and its colossal media market have become the new preferred space for expansion for transnational Russian media. English language channels are starting to produce much more content on African news. while RT and Sputnik in French have signed around thirty cooperation agreements with media and news agencies on the continent. The parent companies of the two networks. Rossia Segodnia and TV Novosti. have also fragmented their digital infrastructure. Previously. everything was organized around the domain names rt.

com and Accessing these domain names el salvador phone number library blocked by European internet service providers is now impossible without a VPN. They have therefore implemented a more sophisticated technique. It is based on the creation of a large network of mirror sites. identical to the original sites and accessible without a VPN. RT in German alone has around ten mirror sites. which allow it to maintain significant online audiences in Germany. Its latest mirror site. "freedert.

online". was registered in July 2023. This makes it more difficult for European regulators to enforce sanctions in this game of cat and mouse. although they have led to a significant drop in RT and Sputnik's audiences in Europe. Share : Stay up to date and subscribe to the newsletter! International media news every Saturday in your inbox Your email address Register Discover all the France Télévisions newsletters On the same theme Enabling collaboration between influencers and journaDatas.
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