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A bottle of wine for a drill

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:32 am
by Bappy32
During a fascinating Zomergasten broadcast this year, Daan Roosegaarde spoke not only about ant colonies and luminous underwater animals but also about 'the network' that increasingly makes it possible for people to find each other and share things with each other. Then Roosegaarde said: 'sharing is the new possession', and presenter Wilfried de Jong looked at him as if we didn't all know that already.


An autumn storm has raged through the backyard. A few trees have given oman mobile phone number list way. A chainsaw machine could help me. I registered with Peerby , gave my postcode, and after reporting what I could contribute to the network (pressure washer, projector, hedge trimmer, drill) I indicated that I would like to use a chainsaw next weekend.

Willem reports within an hour, a village further on. Could do without the saw, Saturday. Made an appointment by phone, picked up Friday evening. A can of mixed lubricant with it. And a safety overall. Take that with you now, that way you'll have a bit more leg left if something goes wrong. And a file. What price do we agree on? That'll be fine. Do you want to see my driver's license? Not necessary. Sawed on Saturday and at the end of the day the saw, overalls, can of mixed lubricant and file were returned. What did he want for borrowing the saw. Never mind, that was fine. Luckily I had a bottle of wine with me.

The sharing economy works
So it works, the sharing economy. It's not money that is the most important currency, but trust.
Is this what was meant by 'sharing is the new ownership'? The pliers are the new pig, think about that. Just like 'software is the new hardware'. Or traffic lights in Amsterdam: red is the new green. PvdA approval of JSF: yes is the new no.

The end is the new beginning.

This column was also published in Het Financieele Dagblad. Photo intro courtesy of Fotolia.