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Human behavior, a sum of 3 variables

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:37 am
by Bappy32
Behavior design
How can we use technology to influence human behavior? By introducing new routines or breaking bad habits. We can make people healthier, happier, and improve their financial situations. Or, as in the case of Tinder, help them meet new people. Now that the smartphone – the most intimate and beloved technology to date – has become an indispensable part of everyday life, a new playing field is emerging at the intersection of technology and psychology, the possibilities of which are endless.

In the Behavior Design theory of BJ. Fogg, human behavior is a sum of three poland mobile phone number list variables: motivation, ability, and a 'trigger' or starting point. These three variables must be aligned and occur simultaneously for behavior to occur. Ability and motivation are communicating vessels. So if something is difficult, motivation must be high. If motivation is low, desired behavior must be easy to perform.

behavior change 2

Trigger: 'congratulations, you have a match'
This is a starting point, a call to action, a signal. It can be digital or physical. A text message, a banner or a push message on your phone. But it can also be a traffic light or shouting 'cheers' in a bar, which makes you perform a certain type of behavior - braking or drinking. ' Congratulations, you have a match. ' Few people can control their curiosity after this push message. A powerful mixture of hope for love, sex and vanity makes this message irresistible and makes you immediately look for who you like.