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Optimize your content

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2025 4:06 am
by Abdur14
Once we have defined the keywords for our sector, we must optimize the content.

We should not only try to incorporate the main keyword. It is positive to include synonyms and related terms to improve semantic density. It is recommended that the main keyword appear in the title and description so that it appears in bold when someone performs a search.

As for the headings, they should follow a hierarchical order . As a general rule, there should not be more than one h1, and then as many headings as you want should be used, but always in a hierarchical manner (h1 → h2 → h3 → h4 → …).

Another very important aspect, especially in e-commerce, is structured data markup, which we discuss below.

8.- Perform structured data markup
With structured data markup, we provide search cambodia business email database engines with more specific information about the content of our website. In this way, we make it easier for search engines to interpret our content.

The most common way to do this markup is through json-ld. With structured data markup we can get Google to display rich results in our content.

How to improve your Google rankings with structured data and
Rich results appear in SERPs as a visual enhancement to draw user attention and encourage clicks. It is important to understand that data markup does not ensure that your results will appear as rich.