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This form of learning traditionally

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2025 5:30 am
by Bappy32
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Just as Amazon uses algorithms to predict customer online behavior, the idea is that historical metrics about student behavior can be used to make predictions.

Low success rates
MOOCs are a form of distance learning. has many students who start, but few students who actually complete the course. Kathy Jordan, a student at the Open University, has made an interesting overview of the data from 24 MOOCs.

This graph shows that the size varies between ukraine mobile phone number list 10,000 and 100,000 students per MOOC. With an average of around 50,000 students. The success rate varies between 1% and 20%. These high dropout rates are unacceptable in Dutch HBO education. Now, it may not be the right way to look at the dropout rates. Because many students who start it actually have no intention of finishing the MOOC.