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Issues are resolved fastest by telephone

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2025 5:36 am
by Bappy32
diagram of different channels

In addition to being the most used channel, the telephone is also the channel through which issues are resolved the fastest. 80% of respondents agree with the statement that questions or complaints are resolved quickly by telephone. For social media, this is 65% and for e-mail, 53% indicate that questions or complaints are handled quickly. Less fast channels are the web form and the other channels.

According to 64% of respondents, relatively easy questions come uganda mobile phone number list in on the social media channel. This may partly explain why questions can be handled relatively quickly via this channel.

complicated questions

Webcare: is it communicated?
My research shows that smaller organizations use social media less often as a customer contact channel . Those that do, often do not communicate this. 48% of organizations with fewer than 50 employees actively report that they can also be reached via social media. In contrast, 54% of organizations with more than 1000 employees promote that consumers with complaints or questions can contact the organization via social media.