set appropriate tasks for subordinates and achieve results from them on a daily basis;
evaluate the effectiveness of each component in the work of an individual manager;
monitor compliance with sales standards and other regulations.
An experienced sales manager is able to convey to each employee the overall goal of the company and the specific task of the performer so that he better understands by what means it can be achieved and why interaction within the enterprise is important.
There are a number of methods for setting a task and monitoring its implementation:
short planning meetings at the beginning of the working day and monthly team meetings;
control of individual written work plans and reports;
assessment of CRM dynamics;
analysis of recordings of meetings and telephone conversations with clients.
An indicator of successful department management is that employees understand and effectively implement assigned tasks, even if the department head is temporarily absent from the office.
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Alexander Kuleshov
Alexander Kuleshov
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Team morale and motivation
Any manager understands the importance of team cohesion and determination to achieve a positive work result. This is one of the key components of ensuring high performance of sales department employees, whose activities directly ensure the success of the entire enterprise.
Team morale and motivation
Employee incentives can be provided in material and moral forms:
Material is usually used based on sales results, when bonuses and premiums are awarded to outstanding employees.
Intangible can be used at any stage, stimulating colleagues by recognizing their merits, encouraging a competitive spirit and encouraging active use of personal abilities for the benefit of the company. These can be competitions for the title of the best in the profession in different nominations lasting a month, quarter or year.
The head of the sales department is obliged to find an individual approach to each employee, to find a point for mutual understanding and the possibility to inspire a specific person to achieve a result. As a rule, the head of the department makes proposals to the company's management on improving the motivation system of the department's employees.
Team morale and motivation
In accordance with the job descriptions of the head of the sales department, he can reward them himself or submit information for incentives on behalf of the company.
The work of the department presupposes dynamism, efficiency, interaction and personal responsibility of team members for their actions and for the final result. The head of the sales department is obliged to keep managers in high spirits. Without hesitation, individually use both encouragement and punishment at the right time. Otherwise, the desired result will not be achieved.
Selection of candidates for the position of sales manager and training of newcomers
The responsibilities of the head of the sales department include the selection and adaptation of new employees, since the fulfillment of the sales plan directly depends on the quality of the employees.
HR staff typically select candidates and prepare the final interview and hiring decision. The job of a sales manager requires his or her personal involvement at every stage.
The interview with the candidate is the key moment of the procedure, it should show the true level of his sales skills, help the applicant to open up to the fullest and establish the degree of his suitability. Poor selection entails additional costs of money, time and effort.
The head of the sales department must be fully aware that the quality of debutants will directly affect the financial success of the company, the level of costs and profits.
The manager also ensures the onboarding of the newcomer. He introduces him to job responsibilities, trains him and then checks the level of mastery of the material; accompanies him during the probationary period and gives an opinion on the degree of usefulness for the organization.
Employee development and knowledge base creation
The job of the head of the sales department also consists of accumulating useful experience, necessary materials and providing other employees with access to:
automated sales organization systems;
working tools for other processes, to templates and samples of the highest quality documents and presentations;
the most effective methods of working at all stages of interaction with clients.
The chat of the corporate messenger Compass is used to store and access materials. Files will be stored there for as long as necessary, and a convenient search will help you quickly find what you need. So they will not settle on the devices of individual employees, but will be constantly available to the entire team.
The job description of the head of the sales department includes organizing training for employees:
primary - or onboarding;
current - depending on the identified difficulties and gaps in knowledge;
strategic - when a company updates products or sales tools.
The manager trains the employees himself or orders training from the HR department. In any case, he is responsible for this, is obliged to personally monitor the course of training and check its results.
Employee development and knowledge base creation
A professional sales manager ensures the stability of the company's development. He does not just teach employees, but also forms a cadre of future managers within the department.
Gradually prepares them to do most of the work of a highly qualified specialist, so that he can then delegate it if he goes on vacation or, for example, quits. A good manager is one who has built a system that works without him.