The purchasing decision process is constantly evolving since the Internet has infiltrated our lives. Everyone goes to the shops to look at and touch the products and then looks for better prices on the Internet. This effect (called showrooming) that many traditional shops are afraid of, has to be seen as an opportunity . Why do we say this? Because although the economic variable will be present in the choice, having a physical store will be an opportunity compared to those who only have an online store . Ok, it is true that before there was no competition from the Internet but I also had more hair.
This is why many online companies that did not have a physical space in the city in their business plan have realized that it is often necessary to attract customers who like to touch or try on their products before making a purchase.
Seize the opportunity
In many cases, locality, physical proximity, is one of the supports of online business. Locality should also give us strength and although our objective is to sell to as many people as possible, we should not forget our closest environment. You don't need to be a genius to see what Zara is doing with its successful online and offline business.
Online businesses must be aware that it is very important to have a good product or service, but they also have to know how to reach customers. It is not enough to have the product if no one finds us, so we have to capture the attention of users (leads) with a certain interest in our products. The online channel and the traditional offline channel are not so different, it is just that they are attracted in a different way. A lead is an Internet user who has already left us their name and contact information to receive information of interest. This is one of the first links in this whole chain that we generate to make a sale on the Internet.
The sales chain. From cold to hot.
Within the quality level of the Leads there are different degrees depending on their interest. If they have already told us that they want to receive our newsletter, that is something. They are the subscribers furthest from the purchase, they are leads , they are “cold” but they are on the way, at the beginning of the path to purchase. If this lead has already shown interest in our products or content on several occasions, that lead can already be considered a qualified lead for marketing . It would be as if in a physical store a potential customer has already gone to see a television three times and is analyzing its features, that is a very interested customer. They want more information and we are good at it and we should give it to them.
If that lead has continued through the purchasing process and has bosnia and herzegovina telegram lead already taken a demo, tried the product or filled out an extensive questionnaire, that lead is very “hot” and is a strong candidate for purchase. That is when we should offer them the product. That is the lead qualified for sale.
In essence, this whole sales cycle is nothing more than cultivating the relationship with customers, but taking care not to harass them before their time. It is about managing the relationship with customers according to their behavior with what we offer them. It is the same thing that traditional shopkeepers and salespeople have done, but applied to online sales (and with anglicisms everywhere).
In addition to this process, there are monitoring tools that allow us to understand your browsing behavior on the website, not just one person in particular, but users in general. With these tools we can see where they come from, their interests, and whether they like what they find on our website.