Stop complaining about scratching posts and start taking advantage of them

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Stop complaining about scratching posts and start taking advantage of them

Post by Nihan089 »

If you have a semi-popular blog, chances are some scraper sites will copy your posts directly from your feed. When you discover a site doing this, you'll probably be upset at first, since they just copied all your hard work, and probably didn't even give you credit. Instead of getting angry, get revenge.

In this post, I'm going to go over a few ways to do just that in WordPress by building links back to your blog (even when the scraper conveniently “forgot” to give you credit):

How to use the RSS Footer plugin to insert links (or any other content you want) directly into your feed.
How to use FeedBurner FeedFlares to insert social bookmarking links into your feeds, in addition to your own custom flares.
How to install YARPP (Yet Another Related Posts Plugin) to automatically insert links to related posts in your feed.
Read on to see the rest, there's a video too…

RSS Footer
This RSS Footer plugin from Yoast is a popular solution for adding copyright messages and other messages (including ads and links) to your feeds. It's pretty easy to set up, after installing the plugin you just need to customize the message you want to appear in the RSS footer of your posts.

RSS Footer

The default message in the screenshot includes a link to your post, as well as a link back to your blog. There are a number of other parameters as well, but the only one that really needs to be dynamic is the %%POSTLINK%% .

I’ve seen people put image ads there, canada number list even more text links back to pages on their site, and messages like “This post was stolen by a scraper.” Keep in mind that these messages will not only appear in the splogs that scrape your site, but will also appear in your feed (where real people see it).

That said, I probably wouldn’t recommend messages like “This post has been stolen by a scraper,” as your human RSS subscribers may not understand what it means.

Another related posts plugin
This is a plugin I recommend for almost any blog. Pretty much, if you have enough posts to have related posts, use YARPP . It's practically guaranteed to keep visitors on your site longer, as they tend to click through the various related posts to find more stuff.

When you first install it, you may notice that it doesn't match any related posts at first (even when you have a lot of blog posts). This is probably because the "match threshold" is too high, or the related posts cache hasn't been built yet. Check out the YARPP FAQ for more information on this.

After installing it, you have the option to automatically display posts on your blog as well as in your feed. Not only does this help keep bounce rates low, but it's a good way to get deep links to your site from all the automated scrapers stealing your content.
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