A the development of guidelines

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A the development of guidelines

Post by fomayof928@mowline »

It represents more than 550 associated companies, works to increase the success of these companies and facilitates dialogue between people in decision-making positions. In addition, it encourages innovation, job creation, digital inclusion, sustainability and ethics. It is with this framework of values ​​that it undertakes

the development of guidelines such as: Creation and monitoring of regulatory processes in the digital trade sector; Development and adaptation of company regulations; and training in philippines phone number list consultancy; Creating environments for innovation and trend propagation; Consulting and monitoring of public and private funding; Content production and communication channels.

Video: Watch an Adigital lesson on how to create brand narrative (use the controls on the YouTube player to activate and translate subtitles into your language)! As you can see, Adigital is an organization strongly committed to stimulating digital transformation in the European Union. But, by the way, the content disseminated by this association can also be useful for companies in other continents. It is a great option to study digital commerce in more depth.
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