Everyone thinks differently

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Everyone thinks differently

Post by Jahangir147 »

Considering all thinking styles within a group is key to getting the best outcome in digital planning. The reason workshops are so darn useful in digital planning and strategy, is their ability to nail down difficult-to-schedule stakeholders in a room when time is a scarcity. But are we missing out on some of the most insightful voices in the room because they don’t have the quiet they need to properly consider the issue? What if that same time was scheduled to complete an activity individually – giving participants much needed time and space for deep thought?

“The key to maximising our talents is for us all to put ourselves in the zone of stimulation that is right for us.”

Like Susan, I’m not saying that collaboration doesn’t have it’s place – of course it does. But I think our role as digital planners is to make sure that the right people are given the time they need to engage in deep thought to make sure that the digital experiences we design are the best they possibly can be.
4) Meet on a regular basis
One technique that works well is to make sure that everyone meets on saudi arabia email list 1.7 million contact leads a regular basis – weekly or monthly – to go through the data and talk about what is being seen. Yes, questions will come about, but providing your data is accurate, it’s a true source and you’re aligned to your KPI’s then these sessions should be invaluable to the business stakeholders. You should also be able to generate plans for the next month, quarter etc.

Testing should play a big part of this too. You should be thinking about scenarios to test, running those tests, reporting back on the results, and generating new tests. Make sure you have key stakeholders at these sessions – a cross functional team from digital, marketing, social, BI, call centre – as they will give them more value than just sending out a weekly report. This also ties back into you being an evangelist – if you’re not excited about your data, maybe you’re in the wrong job.
“Groups famously follow the opinions of the most dominant or charismatic person in the room, even through there’s zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas.”

Listening to Susan’s talk I realised if this is my thinking style, then there’s a high likelihood that some of our workshop attendees also think in the same way. We could potentially be losing out on some incredibly creative ideas because the approach isn’t conducive to their thinking process.
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