“We have the best team of professionals”, “our customers’ satisfaction is our goal”, “we are a great company at your service” and other similar messages are the kind of things that should make your computer self-destruct when you try to type them. These are messages that, after being repeated thousands of times, no longer mean anything.
What company doesn't say that it has the best team? Do you know anyone who says "we have a mediocre team, but it's the best we can afford"? Being the best, giving the best service, that kind of thing, is proven by actions, and it's a thousand times more interesting to have a page where your own clients talk about you than to make those kinds of empty statements on your "about" page.
My recommendation is that you be humble , that you don't try to put yourself above anyone, and that you try to gain the complicity of whoever sees your "about" page.
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Are you listed on the stock exchange? No vietnam business email database Well, I'll spare you the financial details.
If you earn little money, or lose it, you probably won't want to tell anyone. If you earn a lot, don't tell anyone either. Anyone who wants to know your turnover should ask you, or look in the Commercial Registry, since that data is public.
When you make a lot of money, your readers may perceive that you are scamming them, and that you could make a little less and sell for less.
If you want to give data, do it about your customers, but don't lie. It is scandalous, if not laughable, to see how many startups that claimed to have hundreds of thousands of customers have closed down after three months. It is better to manage customer satisfaction statistics or submit to audits or external reports, in which a third party certifies that, indeed, you are the one that sells the most or is the most highly valued by your customers.