These points below evaluate the tasks of a record:

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These points below evaluate the tasks of a record:

Post by Fgjklf »

The following criteria evaluate meetings in a registry, see:

internal meeting observations: the content of staff observations of a meeting;
meeting description: the content of a meeting description;
meeting end time: the date a meeting ended;
meeting place: the place of a meeting;
meeting name: The name of a meeting, specified by the invitation subject when setting up a scheduling page. Meetings manually logged on the contact record will not be included in this filter, but you can use the meeting description field if you need to filter across all meetings;
meeting outcome: the outcome of the meeting, including Scheduled, Completed, Rescheduled, No-show, or Canceled;
meeting source: the source of a meeting, CRM user interface (from CRM), Integration, Meetings (Public), or Meetings (Integrated);
meeting start time: The date a meeting begins.

task completion date ecuador phone number resource : the date the task was marked as complete;
task observations: the content of observations for a task;
task priority: the priority of a task, as the name suggests;
task status: The status of a task. This includes: Not Started, In Progress, Waiting, Completed, or Deferred;
task title: the content of a task title;
task type: The type of a task — Call, Email, or Tasks.
These criteria evaluate calls from a record. Follow:

call duration (ms): the duration of a call, in milliseconds;
call notes: the body text of a call note;
call outcome (Sales Hub or Service Hub Professional and Enterprise only) : The outcome of the call, including No Answer, Busy, Wrong Number, Left Active Message, Left Voicemail, or Connected;
call source: the source of the call, including VoIP, Zoom, or integration platform;
call status: the status of the call, including Canceled, Completed, Busy, Failed or No Answer;
call title: the content of a call title;
Recording URL: The URL of the recorded call audio;
transcript available: Whether the call has an associated transcript, including True or False.
The following points evaluate the emails in a record.

email body: the content of an individual email sent from the CRM;
email is a member of a forwarded subthread : Whether the email is part of a forwarded subthread , including True or False;
email sending status: the status of an individual email sent from CRM (received, sent, or forwarded), with a status of Sending, Sent, Failed, Rejected, or Scheduled;
email subject: the content of the subject line of the individual email;
sent via: When creating a report , the tool through which the email was sent.
Chat session
These criteria evaluate the conversations in a record.

Note: The term “agent” in the definitions below includes both users and chatflow bots defined in your HubSpot account.

conversation by bot : whether a conversation was answered by a bot or not;
conversation duration: the duration of a conversation, in milliseconds;
conversation source type: the source of a conversation, Live Chat or Facebook Messenger;
Chat Site URL: The URL of the chat session;
date agent joined conversation: the date an agent joined the conversation;
date visitor ended conversation: the date a visitor ended the conversation;
date visitor started conversation: the date a visitor started the conversation;
number of agent messages: the number of messages sent by the agent;
number of visitor messages: the number of messages sent by the visitor;
time visitor waited for conversation: The amount of time, in milliseconds, between the visitor starting the conversation and the agent's first response in the conversation.
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